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Via Trasaghis 180
33013 Gemona del Friuli (UD) ITALIA
T. +39 0432 98 11 67
F. +39 0432 89 25 91

Gruppo Franceschino Loris is a family-owned company that directly produces and export all over the world wooden handles of various type since over 40 years.
The company is entirely family-run, is extremely consolidated into its territory and has developed itself throughout the years so that, at present, it is a reference point in this own market. Today, chief of this expanding group, is a young manager already in this business since over 15 years, leading the company towards higher achievements and results. Nowadays the monthly production capacity is estimated in appox. 300.000 pieces, with a range of more or less 40 models that are sold in 10 different countries around the world. Over this last decade the management has started and improved a process of modernization of the production site with massive use of automatized machinery and always complying with the most recent standards of quality and work-safe. For sure, this company is now a leading one in its own market at both national and international level and is able to customize its production responding to specific customer needs with efficiency and keeping always in mind environmental sustainability.

Franceschino Loris
Managing director
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